工作原理 | 常壓 |
功率 | 1~100(kw) |
灌裝精度 | ±1% |
灌裝量 | 500ml |
灌裝頭數 | 1頭 |
生產能力 | 20罐/分鐘 |
適用對象 | 果汁飲料,護發(fā)用品,護膚品類,醬類,酒類飲料,口服液,礦泉水、純凈水,清潔、洗滌用品,酸奶,碳酸飲料,鮮奶,牙膏,液體酒精 |
適用瓶高 | 1~9999(mm) |
適用瓶徑 | 1~9999(mm) |
售后服務 | 一年保修 |
外形尺寸 | 1~9999 |
銷售方式 | 直銷 |
貿易屬性 | 促銷 |
適用行業(yè) | 化工,日化,食品 |
物料類型 | 液體 |
自動化程度 | 半自動 |
發(fā)貨期限 | 10天 |
包裝類型 | 杯 |
品牌 | 伽利略Galileo |
型號 | GGZJ |
加工定制 | 否 |
電 源:AC180V-260V 外箱尺寸:400×380×200(mm)
功 率:300W 整機重量:5.5Kg
大范圍:2ml-3500ml 大吸程:2m
大流量:3.2L/min 出料防滴漏功能:有
重復誤差:<0.5% 斷電記憶功能:有
電源:220V 50Hz

FragmentWelcome to consult...light—divided her breast. Among the
echoes then, there would arise the sound of footsteps at her own
early grave; and thoughts of the husband who would be left so
desolate, and who would mourn for her so much, swelled to her
eyes, and broke like waves.
That time passed, and her little Lucie lay on her bosom. Then,
among the advancing echoes, there was the tread of her tiny feet
and the sound of her prattling words. Let greater echoes resound
as they would, the young mother at the cradle side could always
hear those coming. They came, and the shady house was sunny
with a child’s laugh, and the Divine friend of children, to whom in
her trouble she had confided hers, seemed to take her child in His
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
A Tale of Two Cities
arms, as He took the child of old, and made it a sacred joy to her.
Ever busily winding the golden thread that bound them all
together, weaving the service of her happy influence through the
tissue of all their lives, and making it predominate nowhere, Lucie
heard in the echoes of years none but friendly and soothing
sounds. Her husband’s step was strong and prosperous among
them; her father’s firm and equal. Lo, Miss Pross, in harness of
string, awakening the echoes, as an unruly charger, whip-
corrected, snorting and pawing the earth under the plane-tree in
the garden!
Even when there were sounds of sorrow among the rest, they
were not harsh nor cruel. Even when golden hair, **r own, lay
in a halo on a pillow round the worn face of a little boy, and he
said, with a radiant smile, “Dear papa and mamma, I am very
sorry to leave you both, and to leave my pretty sister; but I am
called, and I must go!” those were not tears all of agony that
wetted his young mother’s cheek as the spirit departed from her
embrace that had been entrusted to it. Suffer them and forbid
them not. They see my Father’s face. O Father, blessed words!
Thus, the rustling of an Angel’s wings got blended with the
other echoes, and they were not wholly of earth, but had in them
that breath of Heaven. Sighs of the winds that blew over a little
garden-tomb were mingled with them also, and both were audible
to Lucie, in a hushed murmur—like the breathing of a summer sea
asleep upon a sandy shore—as the little Lucie, comically studious
at the task of the morning, or dressing a doll at her mother’s
footstool, chattered in the tongues of the Two Cities that were
blended in her life.
The echoes rarely answered to the actual tread of Sydney
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
A Tale of Two Cities
Carton. Some half-dozen times a year, at most, he claimed his
privilege of coming in uninvited, and would sit among them
through the evening, as he had once done often. He never came
there heated with wine. And one other thing regarding him was
whispered in the echoes, which has been whispered by all true
echoes for ages and ages.
No man ever really loved a woman, lost her, and knew her with
a blameless though an unchanged mind, when she was a wife and
a mother, but her children had a strange sympathy with him—an
instinctive delicacy of pity for him. What fine hidden sensibilities
are touched in such a case, no echoes tell; but it is so, and it was so
here. Carton was the first stranger to whom little Lucie held out
her chubby arms, and he kept his place with her as she grew. The
little boy had spoken of him, almost at the last. “Poor Carton! Kiss
him for me!”
Mr. Stryver shouldered his way through the law, like some
great engine forcing itself through turbid water, and dragged his
useful friend in his wake, like a boat towed astern. As the boat so
favoured is usually in a rough plight, and mostly under water, so,
Sydney had a swamped life of it. But, easy and strong custom,
unhappily so much easier and stronger in him than any
stimulating sense of desert or disgrace, made it the life he was to
lead; and he no more thought of emerging from his state of lion’s
jackal, than any real jackal may be supposed to think of rising to
be a lion. Stryver was rich; had married a florid widow with
property and three boys, who had nothing particularly shining